Big Sister & Proud of It

Some X years ago, I was the bunso (youngest), only girl and Dad's fave. I was living the big brat life, until that one fateful day when my parents announced their split up.

I never heard from Dad for so long, and I was too busy on being mad at him, while I took my mom's role of standing for the family. It was really a world upside down.

Fast forward to some X years again, when wounds are healed and burnt bridges fixed, came a beautiful little girl. My half sister.

The world frowns, and disapproves of me & my mom's decision to accept her, but they can smirk all they want because that's what UNHAPPY PEOPLE DO. While I FORGIVE, I SHARE, and I LOVE. I'm one proud Ate. (big sister)

Santa, Cheska & me @ my company's Kiddie Party last Saturday.
She's the sweetest kid.
Much Love,
The NeuroChiq


  1. I'm proud of you for sticking to your decision because unhappy people can stick it up to their as*es but we'll be happy :) I've got tons of half sisters, too, I get the feeling :) I've no little sister, though and it must be more fun! I remember my "ate" taking me to a company event at Cathay Pacific once, she was an FA then and I think it was one of the reasons I wanted to be one kasi nainggit ako, haha!

    I can see Iska is so happy plus you look like her when we were kids! Good job, Ate Dang! :)

  2. Aaaaawe. This is one sweet post. Your lil sister is adorable.

    The world may say what they want to say against your family's decision, but as long as you're all happy, that's all that matters.

    Hats off to you and your mom. :-)

  3. Whoah she's so pretty girl, I totally agree about your decision to forgive, share & love :)

  4. awww Dang *hugs* this is such an inspiring post :)

  5. indeed, love conquers all... merry christmas!

  6. touching post!! It must have been hard on you for your parents to split esp when you were so close to your dad and he was gone. Time heals though :) and you both look lovely with santa <3

  7. I have a half brother too, but I've only seen him the time I was in L.A. a few years back. I don't deny his existence, and do accept him and his mother, but I have absolutely no bond to them or my father.


  8. Kinda rare, but you gotta do what you gotta do. One of my kabarakadas did that. Their Mom even sends the half-sister to school. She's in college now, in La Salle :)

  9. babe,i still remember when u invited me to your hotel room during our course..we both talked bout our, missing my late dad..& u shared bout ur family, ur another half sister.

    but guess wat, u r a strong & independent girl. And ur half sister is lucky to have such a caring Ate.

    p/s: i just noticed 1 thing. "Bunso" means youngest? Here, it is "Bongsu"!

  10. @ Teeyah: Correct! They can stick it up their as** =P Basta ako, happy with my cute sister! =D

    @ Liza: Thank you sweetie, I know I can't please the world, and I have no plans, so there. =) Takecare!

    @ Ems: Yes, she is very pretty! and she's on top of her class, mana sa ate. =P Thanks Ems! Muah*

    @ Nikki: Thanks Nikki, you have inspired me too, in so many ways! =)

    @ Janelle: Love is a reason to live! Merry Christmas, too. =)

    @ PC: It was really freakin' hard! As in FATAL. But all's in the past now, and it made me a better person, so no regrets. =)

    @ Toothfairy: Erm, I didn't accept the mother, and I don't think I ever will. I'm civil, and I think that's fair enough. =) Happy Holidays!

    @ Russ: I actually help her out with schooling, too. She's kinda sickly kasi. =( Kudos to your friend's mom, kids are always a blessing!

    @ Kavukz: I also remember that!!! I think that moment in my hotel room made us click beyond "party friends" eh? I was touched by your dad's story, too! Loveyah babe!


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