Guess who visited ZYNC lately?

Caby (left), me (top), Maui (bottom) & Dia (right)
@ Zync Kebab & Grill

It's the Beauty Junkie Caby and our resident RN/makeup artist Maui! I've met Maui once during the J&J Soft Look event , while it's my first time to see Caby in person. (It's pronounced CA-BY as in "Gabby") It will save you the shame I had when I kept on calling her CABY as in "Baby". Gah!
A few weeks ago, Maui messaged me that she already knew where ZYNC is, and one quiet Tuesday evening, these BFFs and another lovely friend, Dia, came in to have a few drink and taste the kebabs! (Thanks for the kind words, Maui. Glad you liked the Caleb's kebab!)

I'm so delighted to see them, especially that I really have to say that these girls may be wonderful online, but not close to how nice they are in person. Cheerful, friendly, beautiful and very positive! Not a hint of snob or indifference that I easily felt at ease talking with them. I'm planning a bloggers' night at Zync soon, and Maui & Caby are on top of the list, well, we're not South girls for nothing! =)

To Maui & Caby & Dia (I'm not very sure how to spell your name!): Thanks again, I was stoked to have met you, and boy, sorry if I smell anything like Kebab, I was in the kitchen the whole time! =P See you again next time!
Have a great weekend, loves!
Your NeuroChiq,


  1. Weeee! :) Looks fun! And sige na, pabloggers' night ka na, I will raid South once again :)

  2. Ooooh, I want to come to bloggers' night! I think I just need to cartwheel several times to get to Zync!

    How do I get there from, say, Perps? I'll visit Zync with my sister one weekend this month. :D

  3. *inggit* when all the nightmare is over! alam mong I can party na hahahah :) Can't wait to try kebabs!!!!

  4. Dang! So nice to see you again! Just let us know, bloggers night unang una kami ni Caby dadating! hahaha =)

  5. @ Teeyah: BFF, thanks for heading South to visit us, loveyah!

    @ Dea: I'll message you on the directions, would love to see you again dear! And I'm sure your sister is as smart as you, your a family of genius grabe! =D

    @ Shobe: Sana you can make it sa bloggers' night =D

    @ Nikki: I'll wait for your relaxed moments, I'm sure we'll have a blast with the girls! =)

    @ Maui: Nice to see you again too! At yes, una talaga kayo ni Caby, isang wink lang andun na kayo. =D Bring Dia along. Thanks again for visiting! =D

  6. omg I'd love to go to a blogger's night but no one I know blogs and lives where I am!! Lucky lucky you!


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