Everyone has friends. Some more than the others. Some make friends in jiffy, others take years to build one. Personally, I have lots. I think I'm quite good with people. I can fill the entire address book. But you know how you have really special ones? Those who are so constant in your life, they're family. Those whom you share so much in common, but also disagree with a lot. Those who know you in and out -- where your birthmarks are, your guilty pleasures, the boys (or girls) who made you cry, your exact makeup shade, how bad you are in Math. You can fight all you want, not talk to each other for the longest time, but the universe will still conspire to bring you close again. Because come on, there's hardly a few people if any, other than your mom and your husband/wife, who can love and accept you in your worst, most stupid state. And more importantly, tell you the truth without a blink, knowing it's the only thing that can set you free you.
Now that's the kind of friendship not everyone finds.
Alkiyah & Aquira. That's an inside joke. ;)
From the Nook,
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