
There's nothing really different about this one particular Sunday. I went out to pay my bills, roamed aimlessly around the mall, and attended the 7pm mass as usual. Nothing extra ordinary except that the priest's homily hit too close to home. He talked about the sins that we commit unknowingly, or barely avoid simply because these sins seem passive and weren't included in the regular teachings of our bible schools, nor my grandma's books

The priest talked about two things that many of us are guilty of: One is worrying, and the other, which I'm keen to talk about, is OMISSION.

As kids, we're taught to avoid wrongdoings - stealing, lying, saying evil things about our neighbor. Crystal clear. But there's this gray area of not committing sins, but also omitting what's good and pleasing to God. We walk away from the dark, but neither reach for the light. We do not commit evil, but we also omit doing good. A man who sends away the poor and minority and a man who stood by and did nothing are both guilty. It might be of different levels, but same in every aspect. 

The same is happening in the aftermath of typhoon Haiyan, the strongest typhoon to ever hit my beloved country. The depressing state of Visayas and the plight of the typhoon victims are well-documented by media globally. It brought thousands, possibly millions of people into tears. It's sad, but what's worse is to see pity, hatred, rants and politics that starts and ends with nothing but that. Let's not be comforted by throwing pity glances and calling out faults of other individuals. Thousands of Filipinos are on the verge of desperation and every little ACT of kindness counts.

Sympathy is good, but we also need arms and legs to get things done. We can do amazing things in rebuilding our country and helping our people, but it only begins where passiveness ends.

To donate or volunteer, see below:

Philippine National Red Cross
McDonald's Bigay Tulong 
