1. A house for my mom. The biggest and most ambitious goal this year, it just has to land on number one. Unexpected things forced us to uproot from our own home in Cavite and rent in the city instead. With His provision, I'd like a new home with no contract expiration, and my mom can call her own.
2. Level up my career. If I have to stay, or I have to go, here or elsewhere in the world, this is the year I pray and believe it will happen. I'm claiming it now and I'm more than ready to once again take the big leap of faith. Inspired by Pudge's seach for the Great Perhaps.
3. Wear my business savvy hat. I don't think I'll get tired of being employed anytime soon, and I have so much to learn, achieve and enjoy where I am right now. But the time is right to up the ante, triple my capacity and see what this enterprising girl can do. Let's just say the Sweet Blessings can be even sweeter, and the boyfriend's own business is up to a good start. Thank God! :)
4. Spend more time with people I love. On top of 10-hour sleep, short shorts and flipflops days, the 16-day break gave me opportunities to finally catch up with people I love without worrying about time or work. Each one said the same thing "Dang, you've been TOO busy to see us the whole year!" So 2014 will have to be more balanced. Regardless of how much I have on my plate, I WILL FIND TIME.
5. Manage my finances better, and share more. They say it's not always about how much you make, but what you do with your money. My BFF also reminded me never to say "I'm poor", but rather declare and claim wealth. Because wealth transcends money and it means differrently from one person to another. I'm proud to say I've been faithful in keeping a tab on where my money goes and keeping some for the rainy days, but I can still do better, and I can share more. To whom much is given, much will be required. I am blessed immensely, and I shouldn't squander nor deny help.
6. Be kinder. Simply because this world needs kinder souls.
7. Be kinder to my physical and spiritual body. Less Coke and second hand smoke, more Yoga and running. Less stress and more time to meditate and understand the scriptures. NO HATE. Hate kills! And oh, continue cooking and baking yummy and healthier, preservative-free meals/sweets for my friends and family!
Wide-eyed, brimming with positivity and ready and quite excited to go back to work (IKR!), I pray that you, my dear readers, also fulfill the good desires of your heart this year!
Much Love,
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