Green is Beautiful!

I've been supporting movements to protect mother Earth for the longest time. I've been trying to eat green and avoid processed food that in my opinion should contain "Warning: Cancerous" in bold capital letters, just like what we see in cigar packs.

I went to my dentist at Healthway Alabang yesterday, and while waiting for my turn, I scanned over the pages of Enrich Magazine. They featured how our seemingly harmless beauty products contain chemicals that not only harm our bodies but our environment as well. Grab any cosmetic or skin care product you have in your bag and check the labels. I bet more than half of the ingredients sound "chemical-ish" to you. Not to mention all the synthetic ingredients, fragrances and artificial coloring and the very common chemical preservative called Paraben. Name it, from our soaps, body wash, shampoos, lotions, make up, hair products, etc. The list can get longer.
Our skin is the largest organ in the body, it will absorb anything that comes in contact, and some of these chemicals will inevitably find its way to our bloodstreams. Same way that they find their way to our water sources when they go down the shower drain. Double jeopardy.

So now, not only do I support environmental advocacies, and consume natural healthy food, I now declare my vow to switch to more natural, and eventually organic beauty products ONE STEP at a time. I know, it's hard to stash away your tested products, but you can start by checking the labels of your beauty essentials next time you purchase. Buy fragrance free ones if you can, make sure its labeled "not tested on animals", no CFC for spray bottles, paraben and artificial coloring free. The market is now booming with local and foreign organic products. Check
Healthy Options stores, local farms such as Ilog Maria bee farm, choose mineral make up that makes wonder on your skin too, or you can even make beauty products from your kitchen. (I'll share some that I use in a separate blog )

I just got my newest online loot 2 days ago, and timing was perfect with what I read in the mag yesterday. I bought these products from Ilog Maria bee farm as a birthday gift to my boss who is a big fan or organic products. She's been complaining to me how her favorite shampoo seem to have weirdly lost its effect on her hair and how her lips bleed with the harsh weather, so I ordered Honey & Propolis shampoo and Honey & Beeswax lip balm for her. Of course I got mine too I also bought the facial oil for myself, since most moisturizers in the market trigger my acne (yes, even the most expensive ones!) I thought trying an organic moisturizer will not harm. I'm trying them all this week and will post reviews soonest. I'm confident it will be a good one. After all, GREEN is always BEAUTIFUL.
PS: for make up addicts, you may want to check
safecosmetics website for more information on this campaign.

Removes chemical build up on scalp and hair, soothes itchy scalp, promotes hair growth and replace lost nutrients washed away by commercial shampoos

Soothes dry, chappy, bleeding lips while keeping it soft and moisturized

Royal Jelly oil with fruit and flower essence, known to delay skin ageing, and keeps skin soft & elastic


  1. weeee..i'll be the 1st follower! and 1st to comment??? u go green girl! i'll supports!

  2. hey babe, thanks for dropping by & being the first! guess we'll be seeing each other online more often! muah*

    PS: If you like anything I'll publish esp. organic ones, just let me know & I'll bring some in Kota on Sep =)


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