UPDATE03: The NeuroChiq's Biggest Loser Challenge (week3)

I've been down with flu since last night, must be the tiring work+business that's taking its toll on my body. But yeah, life has been treating me well, though I'm in search for something better. Whatever that "better" means is yet to unfold both for you & me in the coming weeks.

*my palms closed in prayers*

So just a quick post on the NeuroChiq's Biggest Loser Challenge, I haven't forgotten it, of course not! =) I'm on my third week now, but due to my recent ordeal with my impacted tooth, I kept myself away from the gym lately & just focused my efforts on eating less, and eating healthier. By healthier, I mean less white rice, more protein [lean meat & fish] & more more more fiber. [fruits/veggies/yogurt/wheats]

To my surprise, and delight, I think I lost nearly 2 inches off my waist, and a handful fat on my lovely belly *wink* No, I haven't measured mathematically since I'm saving the thrill until the end of the challenge, but you know that instance when your pants that you haven't worn for months or years suddenly slides perfectly and your shirt shows lesser of your ice cream indulgence???

It feels magnificent, doesn't it? =)

Sorry for the blurry photos I hurriedly took in the office elevator.

Me in black slacks that suddenly fit (it haven't for months!!!), and bronze top that I buttoned with MUCH ease & less bulge ;-p

Happy Mid-week lovelies!

Much Love,

The NeuroChiq


  1. that's great! 2 inches is a lot :D Btw I like the shirt you're wearing in your photo!

    P.S thanks for such a kind comment on my blog <3

  2. Keep up with the good work! Hope you feel better.

  3. @ Pop: The "2 inches" claim is yet to be validated =p The shirt is actually a cheap buy from an imported overrun store =p

    and yes, you truly look great with black hair dear! =)

    @ Amanda: Still sick, but still in the office =/ Thanks for dropping by sis =)

  4. Oooh I hope you feel better soon and don't forget to take your vitamins especially Vitamin C hehe.

    BTW, impacted tooth are a little bit complicated, it needs to undergo minor operation just like my sister.I've been told impacted tooth is when a tooth fails to emerge through the gums or when emerge only partially. ^_^ I'm glad to hear you will have your braces next month, don't worry the pain is bearable. Just remember after all the pain, the results will be amazing ^_^ Tnx for droppin by my blog ^_^

  5. grrr..i gained weight in KL!! i wanna lose 2inch as well!haha


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