Weight Loss Chronicles Part Deux

It was our Annual Physical Exam last week, and I, like every other person I know, is scared to see the word  "obesity" in the diagnosis portion. Thankfully, I didn't get the big O remark. But the doctor recommended that I lose half a kilo more based from my Body Mass Index or BMI. BMI is a measure of body fat based on height and weight that applies to adult men and women. Normal BMI should be between 18.5 to 24.9. I got 23.4, which is perfectly normal. Hooray! Though I think it wouldn't hurt to follow the doctor's order and lose half a kilo more, so there's no stopping anytime soon.

But truth be told, I'm lagging behind my commitment of at least two workout sessions a week which normally consists of either one hour yoga plus weights or one hour jogging plus weights. Then I came across this article about blogger and stylist Laureen Uy, where she shares how she makes staying fit more fun. Her golden rule? It's more fun to stay fit with friends. Alas! Maybe that's what I need. I need a workout buddy or buddies, who can lend me some determination and sipag when I get the lazy streak.


“Managing your weight doesn’t need to feel like a drag. I work out with friends because it helps to have people around to motivate you. We also support each other in maintaining a good diet and eating healthy. ”  

- Laureen Uy
Photo from www.instagram.com/laureenmuy

Thursday Yoga Sesh with my office friends
It is definitely more fun to go the fitness route in the company of peers. An intense workout can be fun and body aches are a lot bearable when you're not the only one going through the same ordeal! ;-) Similarly, eating healthily can be exciting when there are friends around to cheer us on. We can even compare our baon in the office to encourage us to always go for the better, smarter choice. Remember my Eat Less, Eat Right rule?

Laureen also shared some practical tips to stay healthy and fit:

  • Exchange healthy eating suggestions. It is indeed hard to let go of big juicy burgers but not when you have your friends throwing great suggestions on healthy alternatives. A friend just might be the key to new and exciting discoveries: a flavorful salad, a low-fat dessert or a yummy snack loaded with whole grains.

  • Share daily words of encouragement. We are exposed to social media every day, stumbling upon encouraging photo quotes every once in a while. Why not share that quote and tag your friends in Facebook, Twitter or Instagram? The quote saying “Follow your dreams, work hard, practice and persevere. Make sure you eat a variety of foods, get plenty of exercise and maintain a healthy lifestyle,” from Sasha Cohen just might be what they need to see.

  • Wear your favorite gym clothes. Going to the gym means working on your body, but looking good inside the gym also motivates individuals to work harder to achieve their fitness goals.  Don’t forget that you can still be stylish on the treadmill or while cycling!

  • Plan fitness activities or out-of-town adventures. Why not fix your schedule together with your friends when you meet up for lunch during weekends? Figuring out days when you will visit the gym, do yoga, or planning your next great out-of-town adventure is more fun when done together. A planned volley ball game at the beach is exciting too!

  • Reward yourself. Celebrate fitness milestones. You don’t have to sweat it out with your friends all the time. Have a shopping indulgence every once in a while! You certainly have to dress up and flaunt that healthy and fit body. Alternatively, if you want relaxation, why not head to the spa or have a trip to a secluded beach? 

  • Start the NESTLÉ FITNESSE 14-Day Program. Sometimes, all we need is a solid support system and people to do it with to get us started with a new activity. Invite your friends to start the 14-day program together. It will certainly get you ready for the planned beach trip this summer.  

Speaking of which, I grew up having cereals for breakfast. But from the good old days of Honey Stars and Koko Krunch, I eventually graduated to getting ones made from whole grain; less sweet and less fancy ones. Plain corn flakes grew on me, and I learned to add fruits, yogurt and even nuts to add texture and flavor to my breakfast. I also replace my dinner with a bowl of Fitnesse on days when I don't have to attend any work or socials. My favorite is the original low fat and high fiber variant of NESTLE Fitnesse but other flavors are available for the more adventurous ones --- Clusters Almond, Clusters Banana-Nut and Honey and Almond. Cereals need not be boring! It may sound weird, but I keep a box on my desk in times when I crave for some crunchy snacks. Yep, sans milk.

So calling my friends and yoga mates in the office, let's resume our Thursday sessions and be fit together, shall we?

From the Nook, 

* If you want to measure your own BMI, CLICK HERE. Please note that BMI is only one of the many gauges of health. It's still best to get a full check-up at least once a year.

* Find out more about the NESTLE Fitnesse 14-Day Program and see if it's suitable for you at www.facebook.com/nestlefitnesse.ph
