So my Dream Board reminds me everyday of what I want to start and achieve in 2014, and purchasing a home for my mom proved to be the most ambitious. Equities cost an arm and a leg! I thought end of the year would be the most realistic time to start scouting, but the Big Man up there has other plans.
Today, I woke up earlier than usual, had my coffee and went on to claim another blessing with conviction. We should all do that! Claim with conviction. Never doubt. Trust fully. Know that if He brought you to it, He will get you through it. Not unscathed, but definitely stronger, wiser and more at peace. :)
The financial documents and all the math gave me headaches, but it's for my mom and all the heavenly signs are pointing to the same direction, so who am I to doubt His providence.
"A house for my mom. The biggest and most ambitious goal this year, it just has to land on number one. Unexpected things forced us to uproot from our own home in Cavite and rent in the city instead. With His provision, I'd like a new home with no contract expiration, and my mom can call her own." - Dream Board 2014
Now that I'm one step closer to my goal, the next thing I should work on is how to DIY these pretty pretty art walls! Suggestions are welcome! :)
Much Love,
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